

The Fragile Woman

The fragile woman, for so long, wanted just to paint.
But her doubts were so intoxicating she couldn’t even see straight.
With blurry vision she stared at her brush set on the window-ledge
but feared that one wrong brush stroke would push her fragile mind over the edge.

Years passed until she tired of waiting for her world to improve.
A happy life was something her bitter mind could no longer illude.
Before she planned on leaving, taking her final breath
she decided to paint the place she wished to go to after death.

Knowing this was goodbye, that there was nothing left to lose,
with the faintest, weakened sigh, both of her feet began to move
towards that brush set on the window-ledge, that still was sitting idle,
and discovered that paint could yield hope to a woman so suicidal.

She painted with conviction, bold strokes of a confident hand,
The painting was a masterpiece, executed as planned.
She painted pearly white gates with gentle yellow hues of light.
An ethereal, muted blue enveloped everything in sight.

Then she took in all its glory and smiled at what she’d done.
For the first time in a long time, from her thoughts, she didn’t run.
Although those pearly gates still looked inviting, she felt a gentle glow
and thought, for the first time in forever, maybe it wasn’t her time to go.

© Jodes.D