

The vast open sea
I can't say I have had one dream where you were being nice to me, waking up crying what I thought was a nightmare turns out to be my reality.
Loving you for so long my love was something that I guess was only meant for me,
as you continue to do all the things that break my heart and I know it is something that you can definitely see, please be mindful of my broken state as the memories of who you used to be are all that are left, proof of what you left my heart drowning in as I swim all alone in this vast open sea.
Holding onto each and every wave crashing up against the rocks the emotions I have been left with make the ocean a very violent place to be,
holding up the weight of all of our pain I sit and wonder if you even care as the moon pulls the tides bringing in all of our failures for me to see.
Grasping for air I fight this feeling of love as I try to stay afloat knowing now all the wonderful memories that I call lies, were only meant for me.
So now we have gone our separate ways but it doesn't do much to ease the pain as big as the last mistake of letting you come back into my life, I can find relief in all the waves as they carry you back out into open waters far away from where you once held a piece of my heart and so you can nolonger do anything to hurt me.
And this is why I now smile each and every time I look out into the vast open sea.