

her body
Her body, a canvas, coated with aureatus grace,
Curves and contours, entrances me to embrace.
Silken skin, softest fragrance as a moonlit glow,
An ethereal vision, crafted as love song's echo.

Her eyes, brightest stars, glittering with desire,
Reflecting warmest romance like blazing fire.
Her lips, a gentle red curve, sweet and inviting,
Breathing secrets of love's language exciting.

From her flowing locks, cascading like a waterfall,
To her fingertips, delicate, enchanting, enthrall.
Her slender neck & shoulder as swan's delicate,
Inviting warm kisses be intimate in love’s celebrate.

Down her waist, an hourglass's curvy appeal,
Garden of Eden filled with exotic drupes to feel.
Hips that sway & shake like a seductive dance,
An enticing gesture takes lover’s mind into trance.

And as I trace every curves of her stunning frame,
I'm lost in world where only she the deity remains.
For her body, a temple, a vessel, an art by divine,
Where passions of love & desire naturally entwine.
© augustin