

You stand today,leaving an uncertain distance beyond.I told time to be patient, one day you will come back.Maybe I will not be there on that thread, to hug you.Uncertain I am in my distance, you are not in my way. A new bird has built a nest in my mind.I am not that bird in your world.I do not understand the crow's call in the cuckoo's tune.I am destroyed by the love of the owl.The ghost kicked me for abandoning my mother. I saw it,I understood it, but I did not understand you.In your roar you were an unfeeling unprincipled idol.A thousand curses admonished me in your pulse. I understood, yet I did not understand you. At the end of the admonition, the blood of Parth was calm in my eyes. Patience failed me, you did not understand. You remember! I hear your every word.I made a dictionary and gave it a place in my mind. Cow is one of those words. I keep it to myself. You are my poetry. I did not expose you to the world. I am a cockroach to your arrogance. You can crush me all you want. You have invisible eyes.I don't get
© Xavier