

Love, you are the spectrum of effects in combination. You are worldly wisdom, preserved vocabulary. You are the smile of a child in a mother's lap. You are the love of a child in a father's throat. A day to remember in an old age is not love.You are the sunshine of the whole nation.The moral meaning of love is "love yourself, love the creator.Does love mean only sex with a specific day in mind. From enjoying physical pleasure, love is the basic feeling, self-purification, respect, sacrifice, faith, magnanimity. Humility is the branch of respectful love and self-reliance. The passion of love has died in that age. The motto of love is to expand society from the tangle of revenge to new ideas. Love is not like enjoying a one-night stand. The greatest reality of life is love. We are Why love a day? Wine, women and all the colors of civilization fill our love. We have tainted love with the addiction of self-indulgence. This dirty magic has turned us into monsters. Why do we live in such a love that turns into enmity after marriage? Pushing away God's blessings, seek the purity of love in Devil's kingdom of sin.
© Xavier