

Tick Tock Goes the Clock,...reigning in the Human Stock
Tick tock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock..because MF's be shady, my intelligence they doth mock. Pretend I'm dense & take it in, it's part of my reputation, they all think I'm nothing but dark,...earning the moniker Drinlongsynne. But it is not as such, I want to be understood, they only need peer in, albeit if only they would. My soul is often jaded, angry, distant & faded...should someone actually attempt to understand me I would be fucking elated. Alas, only contempt & crass situation's,...far from eliciting my best ovations,...to me time used to be accommodating & endless,...not finite & brittle. Something like this goes it, between time & space I'm stuck in the middle besieged by my woes I reasses times brevity & wit. Bereft of my youth, haunted I now ponder times riddle. "I sometimes have hands & many different faces, yet occupy all of God's places. Grind hard rocķ, entwine the anomalies & enigmas that keep sharp the minds of Human stock. Instill in Men death will be a shock, take crowns from Kings, allow life to be altered by changelings & parasitic things. "My path now faltered the Old Father mercilessly clipped my wings" I am the broth in the Universal Stew, gift new students with all their earthly wishes, imbueing Mothers with power to give life anew, replenishing the earth with much needed sustaining glue of all Terra Firma's animals & fishes, lest this cryptic sublime rhyme play out unhindered, impeded, & unheeded. This sacred law of time & space I pass along to the many & the few, do unto others with same intent illicit as they visit upon you. For I am Life's Mime, I am Time.
Written by Drin Jacöb Hildebränd-Longsynne-this 5th day of Sonnentag, June 2022.
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