

Your Not The Only One
A raceing heart beat, a shallow breath.
A world in crisis, a silent prayer.
Looking to to those above to solve the problem. Only to find out they can't.
You feel like losing hope,
Your not the only one.

Trapped inside the four walls you call home,
family so close yet so far. Hear death knocking at the door. You cover your ears and shut your eyes, hoping it will pass you by.
Your not the only one.

Fleting ignorance, acting the fool.
Living in a fragile dream.
Hide from the problem, act like it's not there.
Try to escape, run as fast as you can. Knowing there's no where to go.
Your not the only one.

Looking at your world right now you realize,
You have a choice. A fork in the road, two paths lay ahead. Move forward or stay still.
Let life pass you by, die without a fight. Or demalish the chains of despair, reach for the tiny glimpse of hope.

The choice is easy, the task is hard. The path chosen is long with on end in sight. You will stumble, You will fall. It's a battlefield, a full scale war. You can't afford to lose.
Just know, your not the only one.

This path you walk, you share with other.
People who have felt the same fear.
People who've had death knock on their door.
People who, if only for a moment, played the fool.
So, it's fine if the path has no end in sight. It's find if you stumble. It's fine if you fall. This war is far from over, this battle can be won. Because you know,
Your not the only one.