

Traitorous Love
Do you know Love,
The traitorous messiah
that feeds on your desires?

Do you know Love,
the slippery hope
That asks you to choke
As you loose yourself
At the end of the rope.

The kind of love
Most broken hearts can testify to,
The kind of love
That leaves a sour taste
In your heart every time you say
You will not love again.

But just like you did before
You ask yourself why not
The moment your soul is tired
Of the solitude.

And not before long,
You replay the song,
The sad sad song
Of love and loss,
A song of heart break and pain.

So in the end
You forget about the stain
And try again
Telling your self
It won't be the same.

As the new adventure start,
You put on a smile
And forget for a while
That it always end in...


Poem by Bruce The poetik wolf

#brokenheart #love #poetry