

From Silence To A Wordsmith...

I can't seem to find the words
I want to say some days,
I have tried so many times
in so many ways,
I don't know how to express
the things I think and feel,
I'm not even sure some days
most of it is real

So I turn to poetry and then the
words begin to flow,
Everything I keep bottled up
just keep coming row after row,
Suddenly I am a wordsmith and
there is no stopping me,
So this is the reason why I write poetry

It has saved me from myself
on so many counts before,
Not just when I can not communicate,
but on the days my entire being
is hurting to the core,
My pen has bled countless times
in the late hours of the night,
When I was losing all hope and I was just too tired to fight.
© Lolla Smith