

Poetic Santa
I breathe these poetic verses
like a dragon breathing fire,
this is my muse in art,
an almost forgotten song,
but it's melody plays,
like a sweet dream in the night,
as we try to make sense of the stars,
as Christmas birds sing,
reminding humanity of this utopian
moment in time,
it has been a long journey,
to this mountain top.

and these words, are signs of hope,
written in the stars, like the moonlight,
are pieces of our once juvenile dreams,
awakening our hopes,
of beautiful Christmases,
and fruitful new year's eve,
wines and wishes,
that our tomorrows will be mary,
like this day, of lovely gifts,
wrapped in smiles and joys.

as I wrap these similes
and metaphors,
like Christmas presents
so I present them to you,
gifts of my poesy,
I am a poetic Santa,
as I gift these poetic verses,
to the world.

© Lundi Ncuthu