

Uncontrolled love
Once a boy with ultimate wealth ,
born with very good health ,
fall in love so deep ,
Never know he would ever weep.
Unknown with his skills he had,
always had pride on the wealth he had.
Prejudice meant nothing to the guy,
thought priceless love he could buy.
Aesthetic things were only limited to his world ,
Cheap was the only word he hurled .
Once his eyes fall on the heaven's beauty ,
Called by the brood as Lucy .
The boy expressed his uncontrolled love ,
She was unknown with the language of love ,
She had pride on the beauty she possessed ,
Never wanted to be ignored and unloved .
Played with the emotions of the cruel boy ,
She was more cruel than a viceroy .
Killed the expectations of the boy who loved her,
He never expected to be rejected later .
Unable to control the emotions he had ,
Felt so hard that he was never cared .
He lost his pride in sorrow ,
death he was going to borrow ,
the boy did suicide was never expected ,
Everyone was unknown who to be suspected .

© words_in_limit