

I never knew I could be in love again until I met you..

Meeting you was a turning point of my shallow dreams to realities

I never knew how sweet your lullaby is until you cuddle me in the days of trouble

If this is how love is intoxicating, I would prefer to fall in love million times...

Just as the wind toss around the Harmattan leaves so is my soul shivers in your glow

Your smiles and radiant teeth shows me how beautiful heaven would look like..

Give me the kisses of your lips for your love is better than wine

Hold me tight in your arms until my soul rest at SUNSET..

Jesus keep loving me till am lost in you..

I sought for whom to give my heart but found none

I gave it to you and you endowed me with your glory..

Lord Jesus to you I dedicate this poem to because you are the love of my life..

I am in love with you Lord!
