

portal to the vortex from a pretentious perspective
I breathe at once and things die
I brood out boisterously and they cry
I consume eternally, every waking wink
Black vortex. The black hole
All gone in a blink

I tear the spirit and the essence of our existence apart
I warp the air
Reality bends around my heart
Waiting for death
My glare
My stare
Burns a line into the past
While the smart things in life
Condemn me from the future

So busy-body looking back bloody to the bastardized past
So busy looming over words and phrases and old conversations and made-up conversations
Sorry for this
Sorry for that
But I'm sorry

I'm not sorry—
as sorry as I could be

You ever been too tired to be sorry?

haven't slept right
left right
been right
no light
bad eyesight

I zig-zag into nothing and nothing
I stand between two columns
They don't like it when I stay in the middle spinning in place

Pick a side.

© SteelBlue