

Mugging before exams
Exams looms near,
making us remember,
our forgotten books,
the missed chapters...
Desperate times demands,
taking desperate measures,
textbooks were plundered,
for a mugging session.

A last-minute effort,
cramming up the facts,
crushing the knowledge,
to pour them all inside...
Be it the table,
or lying on the bed,
spreading sheets of papers,
immersing them all, for recollection.

In the age of competition,
surrounded by many distractions,
we got complacent, ignored consequences,
our actions being, against the norms.
Yet, we missed the very essence,
of learning things, understanding concepts,
the seeds of knowledge, needed to be sown,
by steadily investing time and effort.

Last-minute mugging up...
A method used by many,
due to disinterests or compulsions,
a victim of system, lacking the passion,
where curiosity, acted as our guidance.
And we mug...
Regurgitating information, without retention,
limited time, for thinking or reflection,
which increases stress, making mind anxious,
losing our respect, to the importance...
Of examinations.

© Dr. Manish Rout