

In the realm of laughter, where innocence plays,
Children dance in sunlight's warm embrace.
Their dreams unfurl like petals in May,
On this special, joyous Children's Day.

Tiny footsteps echoing pure delight,
Chasing butterflies in the soft twilight.
A symphony of giggles fills the air,
As dreams take flight on wings of care.

In the canvas of youth, emotions paint,
A world untouched by sorrow or restraint.
Their eyes, bright constellations of hope,
On this day, in childhood's kaleidoscope.

Oh, the magic held in a child's embrace,
A universe of wonder, a tender grace.
Let every heartbeat echo in rhyme,
Children's Day, a melody transcending time.

With hearts as vast as the open sky,
They teach us to dream, to reach, to fly.
In innocence, we find life's sweetest song,
A celebration of the pure and the strong.
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