

Disconnected from myself,
Out of touch with my thoughts,
Those I sought,
But cannot sort,
Out of touch with my emotions,
Basically just going through the motions,
Bye to the self affirmations,
I tend to just see myself from an outward perspective,
One person, but yet different alternatives,
I have made whoever I am, somewhat adoptive,
Thinking I was being adaptive,
Time seems to move so fast ,
But at the same time I can't help but think about my past ,
Everyone tells me the future is my goal,
But most of the time I feel like a misplaced soul,
I am the address of stress,
The location of sleep deprivation,
One that requires medication,
I feel like I don't belong to myself,
Who I am is equivalent to that dust book upon a bookshelf,
Opened once and never again,
Constantly people pleasing,
Leading to my self-abandoning,
Forgetting it's me I'm compromising,
At times pushing myself away,
Just wanting to be faraway,
Thoughts of me being a burden,
Being the reason why I'm so broken,
The constant self reminder ,
That I don't fit in,
The weird one,
An alien,
Destined for oblivion,
I just want professionalism,
In the art of individualism,
And existentialism.

© C_A_M