

I am my own ghost
I am my own ghost,
Just a body without a host,
Aimlessly wandering,
Just galavanting,
To fit in, I pick various personalities,
Contradictory varieties,
Giving me endless anxieties,
Because of the fear of messing up,
As I fail to match up,
Screwing myself over,
Like that feeling of a hangover,
A master at hiding my true emotions,
It's my style,
To just fake a smile,
To seem happy,
When I actually feel crappy,
To laugh,
Even when I 'm insulted by the riffraff,
Even when I'm put down,
On the verge of a breakdown,
I mask myself like a clown,
When I stare at myself in the mirror,
I just see the ghost who is me...nearer,
...And all the more clearer.
© C_A_M