

E.M.T. Puls
Tones ring out in the night
Hour 10 of a long 24
EMT Puls turns on the light
His dreams of home no more
He grabs a warm red Gatorade
His mouth tastes like dirt
Wrinkled uniform bed unmade
Tiny drops of blood on his shirt
His boots go on ice-cold
His partner picks up their bag
Sometimes he feels so damn old
Yet each day he comes right back
Dispatch says priority one
“A young male Short of Breath”
This is how the calls begun
Maybe its life or death
Strobe lights hit the night
They start to dance in the snow
All lit up they were quite a sight
As the sirens begin their echoes
On scene they jump into action
Each knowing their job well
must avoid emotional distractions.
to keep one more soul from hell

© StephenPuls1970