

Ways you can read faster without giving up your comprehension
Use a visual pacer. This could be your finger, pen, pencil, for example. Your eyes are attracted to motion, especially from survival mode. But this can also help you when you read. It guides your eyes, since eyes can’t move in a straight line but instead jump randomly. It also sets your pace as you read. You can choose to slow down or speed up. Jim Kwik says similar to how our taste and smell is connected, our sense of sight and movement is connected too.

Ignore the words in the margins. That’s what your peripheral vision is for! Tim Ferris recommends cutting off one or two words to start out with.

Fixate on more than one word at a time. You’re capable of taking in more words but as a child you were always just taught to read one. Our eyes can only take in information when stopped, not moving.

Colored overlays work too. These can help change the color from black text on white to something that’s easier in the eyes. and these help for reading whole lines at a time. Find the colors that work best for you. I like yellow, pink and blue

Constantly stopping on one word at a time can get pretty tiring after a while, so it saves time and energy when you can see the entire idea all at once. You can start with two or three and, once comfortable work up to four. Example, not just swimming and pool but swimming pool. Not just Taylor and Swift, but Taylor Swift. Not Calvin. and. Hobbes. It’s Calvin and Hobbes. Not just dinner and table, but dinner table.

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