

I really dont remembered the exact age when I saw you,
but I remebered at that time the feelings were pure and true.

I never made up my mind only for you,
but I never made up my mind for anyone else too.

I have grown up with you,
as our feelings for each other also grown up and became as strong as our relationhip.

I never thought tha you would give up on me because of other peron who entered into your life,
but unfortunately it turned out to be the biggest truth and shock of my life.

I thought that I couldn't match your lifestyle,
but I got to know that you have been adapted for new things in life.

I thought Im the only love of your life,
but I never knew that I does not even belong in the list of it.

Finally, life has given a lot of shock and surprise,
time has given a lot of chance to correct the shock into happiness,
but you have shattered my Love as the clock of time has been shattered into piece,
where both can never been back as the unbroken piece of life...

#time shattered my love into a real unimaginary truth and made me realise that my real time has started right now.
© Dhana lakshmi G