

Anime Girl
Why is it the people we know the least, often have the biggest impact
I knew you for less than 20 minutes and already I miss our chats
I never saw you and I doubt I ever will but yet I’m praying to god still
In a short time, I felt your loss, being taken from your brother looking behind glass
It pains me knowing I was helpless and couldn’t protect your smile

I felt the pain of your heart shattering as you were taken from your only family
I felt your tears as the distance grew, leaving behind the only family you ever knew
Never felt a loss as big as you. Being taken from a brother who only had you
I know the feelings behind that smile you have,
Feeling down and worthless, blaming yourself is only making you sad

You want to cry and run back, hold your brother and not let go
You want to live a life where the two of you can grow
We met by chance, a silly twist of fate. Surly that is up for debate
No matter how much time passes, it’s never too late
You will meet one day and I’m sure it won’t be a harsh fate

The pain in your words saddened me the most
Realizing that you might have ended up with lost hope
The path you seek is painful my dear but please remember, I am always here
We can see each other in a game and speak for hours
I know its much but please I can’t be in black holding your flowers
So, promise to stay and learn to smile even if you lose hope I can always stay for a while.

© Brooklyn.C