

Love can leave a memory that no one can steel
The day I saw you, you knew that love was real
You fell for me like a star leaving the sky
I gave you a feeling that you could never hide

I became your wings and taught you how to fly
The smile on your face always appeared when I was by your side
I showed you a new world, one filled with delight
Falling was not what you intended, but i became my light

Gave you my hand and promised to be there even if the world ended
But love is fickle and problems always descended.
Fake smile and beautiful words to sooth the soul
A heart so big, yet it was made of coal

With real love comes pain that never can heal
A broken heart with feelings of falling apart
Love was like a mine field, blindfolded and wondering in the dark
Breaking your heart was never the plan

Leaving you hurt, broken and still claiming to be a man
Leaving you in the state I was in. Was it always the plan??
Watching you pick up the pieces of your heart
You left the world wishing we’d never met from the start.


© Brooklyn.C