

...12 wars
twelve apples on the great oak,
twelve labors of any Hercules.
hurdles to overcome,
tortures to pass through.

twelve apples of pains and pleasures,
twelve times will he fall and rise,
twelve times will he die,
twelve times will he be alive.

twelves strokes of the unforgiving firecane,
twelve times your heart will break,
twelve times you will love again,
twelve times will you face your innermost fears.

twelve times will you pass
through the great oak,
and when you get to the twelveth,
you will know that i alone have kept you.

i alone shielded you when the enemies came.
the few you know and the multitudes of them
that you are not even aware of.
all those who sought to kill you even while you sleep.

know that i alone has seen you through the years,
i alone cared to give you water and bread,
i am the one who strengthen you whenever you fall,
so that you can quickly stand back up.

i alone have guided your feet
through the shady meadows of life.
moulding you into the clay
that i intend for you to be.

now that we end this year,
even stronger still shall we be.
sharpen your swords and your spears
for a new war, we prepareth.

© sage 2023