

...i see the moon and the moon sees me
I see the moon and the moon sees me,

it saw my ancestors and the time before i opened my eyes;

it has seen many things and silent words does it speak.

tonight, the moon makes me make some wishes:

i hope to be a child of peace,

one who invokes mercies and blessings;

one who is very concerned about family,

and aims everyday to be nothing short of godly.

i see the moon and the moon sees me;

treacherous the world has come to be,

and things like love and integrity are becoming ancient relics;

but even as everyone is in a genuine conundrum,

let my path be clear as the open sea

and my anchor, sturdy, and i, surrounded by loyalists.

i see the moon and the moon sees me;

let greed and envy stay far from my spirit,

struggles and challenges to teach me the lessons i need,

so that my soul is refined in the fires of purity

and my every breath be fused with calm and integrity;

so that wisdom would be overjoyed to be married to me

knowing that our seeds will be the desperate solution that the world needs.

In my timely end, may i die with assurance that my Creator is pleased with me.

I see the moon and the moon sees me.

© sage 2024