

The poetess/ La poetisa
She was there,
her eyes cried poetry
her voice spilled

her hands, instruments
that write for the

She, the poetess of the
the poetess of

she writes the verses
sadder and sweeter
that someone has

And she catches your senses,
you listen to her soul,
you understand her heart

When she goes outside
everyone looks at her
some want her
she smiles at them.

And she always carries a
notebook with her.
sits and writes, writes
and smile.

She has a lot inside,
no one can see it, no one

she read a poem to an
elderly couple
they appreciated it,
they will remember her
They won't forget her.

The poetess returns home,
looks in the mirror,
adjusts her hair and
gives herself a smile.

she is still beautiful, she is still her

she sits in front of the window
breathes life,
death looks at her and
just walks away

a yellow bird
poses in the window.

The poetess asks,
Do you know where the poet will be?
The yellow bird just looks at her.

The poetess goes to sleep
she wrote more than any other day.

Versión en español

Estaba ella,
sus ojos lloraban poesia
Su voz derramaba

sus manos, instrumentos
que escribien por el

Ella, la poetisa de los
la poetisa de los

escribe los versos
mas tristes y dulces
que alguien halla

Y atrapa a tus sentidos,
escuchas a su alma,
entiendes a su corazon

Cuando sale afuera
todos la miran
algunos la quieren,
ella sonrie.

Y siempre lleva con ella
una libreta,
se sienta y escribe, escribe
y sonrie.

Ella tiene mucho adentro,
ninguno lo ve, ninguno
lo entiende

Leyó un poema a una pareja
de ancianos,
ellos agradecieron,
la recordarán y
no la olvidan.

La poetisa vuelve a casa,
se mira al espejo,
acomoda su cabello,
se dedica una sonrisa.

aún es bella, aún es ella

se siente frente a la ventana
respira la vida,
la muerte la observa y
solo se aleja.

un pájaro amarillo
posa en la ventana.

La poetisa pregunta,
¿sabes tu donde estará el poeta?
el pájaro amarillo solo la observa.

La poetisa se va a dormir,
ella escribió mas que cualquier dia.

#Love&love #WritcoQuote #lifestyle #poetess #Soul #writer #poem #poems #poetrycommunity #inspirational

© Isay