

A man with a thick bankroll
But a heap of problems
Money can’t provide solutions to
Can life be fair?

A hardworking youth
With good grades to show forth
Yet hustles for petty funds
Can life be fair?

A journey of decades
With seeds of hope planted
But terminated by a war she couldn’t win
Can life be fair?

He is still in his prime
But, limbs weak
And hope dashed like an accident victim
Can life be fair?

A happy family she thought she had
Until he became wild
Like a lion let loose
Can life be fair?

A leader he wants to be
One he showed himself to be
But his garment of service shredded into pieces
Can life be fair?

In a household of love, he grew
Until one was taken
And the gap had to be filled
Can life be fair?

A lovey-dovey journey
Meant to be a together-forever
But withered like a dead flower
Can life be fair?

An honorable occupation
But a petty pay
And the household must be fed
Can life be fair?

Hopelessness, life offers
With struggles hitting hard
But His word is fair
“Christ in you, the hope of glory!”
© Ìyétidé