

Do you need a hug?
My arms are wide open.
Do you need love?
My heart Is giving.
Its hard feeling everyones
pain as your living.
So sensetive to everyone.
And everything.
After taking It all In, I have to go away and maybe.... Sing?
To heal my heart.
rejuvinate back to the start.
But hey, Its ok not to be Ok.
When your around me,
there Is no use trying to cover up the pain.
They could be the happiest person outside.
But I automatically reflect there Inside.
So I gave away hugs.
All they need Is Love.
But I am not God and I
cant kill your pain .
Yes ill take It In but Putting me before God will be a Sin..How will you win?
What could I truly do? I feel every bit of your pain but Im human too.
God Is the head over all.
Only he can lift your emotions out of the fall.

© Truelove