

We all know,
That orange glow,
The carvings,
Those scarecrow-like engravings,
Ranging from pumpkins looking kawaii-cute,
To a pumpkin looking like a spooky brute,
A shark smile spreads across it, such a symbol of being demented,
But we can't help but let the day be celebrated,
Halloween ,
A holiday in it's pristine,
The time when pumpkins are not just for pie,
But actually signify the word terrify,
And even the word horrify,
It's quite ironic how the reason behind this, Jack O'Lantern,
Is actually our biggest concern,
He basically created this whole concept,
That we have continued and kept,
Yet the lanterns, or rather the jack-o'-lanterns are used to frighten Jack's wandering soul,
Because apparently it's so foul,
Banned from heaven and refused in hell,
Roaming the Earth became his forever cell,
With a piece of burning coal and a carved-out turnip,
Is how it was bound for our pumpkin story to develop,
Now we up all night, lack of melatonin,
Just because of a pumpkin.
© C_A_M