

My Veiled Departure
Picture Prompt.
In the shadowed embrace of my veiled departure,
I'm walking away from the tumultuous
drama of my life,
A cloak of armor built from the fire of resilience,
Every step is evidence of my unyielding strength.
Whispers of chaos and dispute fade behind me,
Lost in the echo of my determination,
No longer captive to the whims of a turbulent world,
I'm coming out, a warrior of my own making.
With head held high and heart unyielding,
I'm on my own choice of course,
No longer shackled by the chains of expectations,
I'm fearless, an unfettered spirit and unshakeable.
Let the storms rage and the tempests howl,
I'm a fortress, untouched by their anger,
because I find liberation in my veiled
and I've found my true self in my strength.
© Simrans