

The Spirit of Shine
Walking through life,
feeling alone in crowds,
there are always doubts
that seem to linger in clouds.

Hearing the whispers of others,
that seem to float through the air,
then being told,
you have a glow.

Did Jesus feel the same way,
as He walked along the way?
Wondering off to hilltops,
just to be alone to pray?

The spirit of shine
that enhances sublime,
the sense of wonder
that takes us yonder.

The spirit of shine
that enhances its presence
and feeds the soul
in awesome essence.

We’re all given a free will,
and we can feel His presence
until we allow the world
to divide and shut Him out.

#shine #alone #Jesus
#writcopoem #weitcoapp
#writcocommunity #writcofamily

@Becky M Scranton