

what does that photograph mean?
Someone is watching you from a frame,
Frame of your loving one,
Or maybe frame of someone who knows you but you've never seen that person,
The frame never changes,
But what changes is a photograph,
Photographs are not capable of providing smells,
They can't provide you with the time when it was clicked,
They can't even provide you with any information about the one who is in the photograph,
It is staring at you with its frozen eyes,
It is not moving its parts, maybe someone froze it with great power,
It's a still memory,
With a strange background,
At the bottom, someone with a mysterious smile,
Seems like that person is the happiest person on the planet,
Why is he or she so happy!?
That smile is confusing me,
Is there anything secret behind that smiling mask?
Is that person smiling at us?
Maybe that photograph wants to say something,
But what does he or she want to say?
Maybe that smile is indicating something,
Maybe that smile wants to say that the world of the photograph is much better than ours!!
A world where everyone is frozen,
No one can fight,
No one can lie,
No one has problems,
No one has any requirements,
They are all satisfied,
Or they are not able to ask anything as they are frozen!!
What does that photograph mean!?
© the juniors