

the image
When I found you, I was leaving this world to seek out something new.
I became drawn to you,
seemingly dredging your away though a life you know.
Conflicting interest tossed to the side to satisfy a dissatisfied life.
Do you know what your looking for? Is it prosperity, clarity of a dominating foresight that you want or is it wanting you?
Seeping from beneath the confusion that leads you.
The enigmatic misery, that is you. Have you found what's been gliding you.
Walk to me, I can offer what you may need.
I can see that your life hasn't been easy, allowing yourself to be taken to fill needs that couldn't be filled. Stride your way but have nothing to walk to, this has been a berden of proof.
let me steal you from what you know what you know, give you kingdom's made of gold.
If I ask well you walk up to me, if I hold out my hand would you take it from me?
Your offering yourself for so little, giving yourself away to whom ever well stay. I see you hide behind your smile, while your eyes tell a story of intriguing afflictions that supports misconception that takes you to a place of illusions without any conclusion to your delusion.
If you choose, you can tell me your story. I would hear every word and understand your hurt.
Set down by me, take a break from who maybe looking.
You don't have anything I need,( I have everything. )
I offer this to you, when you can't feel what I see you're so deep in your misery.
living a life that has brang you to deplorable deeds that wrap around you like weeds.
Step out of yourself made objections and interject and breathe. It's a new point of view that I can offer you.
Don't use your smile on me, I know your vail of deception that drives your rose colored perceptions.
Self preservation is all you have and it's fleeting into a misconception, leading to a life of wasted stimulations, offering only a crumble of joyful reminiscing.
Get off your knees, aren't you tied of grovelling.
Stand with me I'll give you a eternity of peace and luxuries.

© jun.klost96#broken