

My Friend, My Bond: Memories Revisited

Time has blown you away from me like strong winds,
I hope you don't forget what we have shared.
It seems like it was only yesterday when we were kids,
Laughing, dreaming, a duo unimpaired.

Through the corridors of time, I trace our steps,
A tapestry woven with threads of laughter and tears.
Innocence and wonder, the promise life begets,
In those days of yore, we conquered our fears.

Remember the playground where we'd spend endless hours,
Swinging on swings, climbing trees so high?
Our youthful spirits, like blooming flowers,
In that haven of friendship, where dreams could touch the sky.

Seasons changed, as they always do,
Yet, the memory of us remains unchanged.
Autumn's gold and winter's chill couldn't subdue,
The warmth of our bond, forever ingrained.

As life's currents carried us down separate streams,
I held onto the treasure of what we once had.
The laughter, the secrets, like fragments of dreams,
A connection that time and distance couldn't fade.

Oh, the stories we shared, the tales we spun,
Innocent confessions beneath the starlit dome.
A friendship like ours, second to none,
A safe haven, a place we could always call home.

In the hustle and bustle of life's grand parade,
I often find myself lost in reverie.
Those precious moments, like a serenade,
Echo in my heart, a timeless melody.

And if fate should ever conspire to bring us near,
In a chance encounter, under skies so blue,
Know that my heart holds you dear,
For the memories we created, and a friendship so true.

Time may have blown us like winds afar,
But the beauty of our connection remains.
A constellation of memories, a shining star,
Guiding me back to where friendship sustains.

© Quiet Winter