

Deception's Veil: Unraveling the Lies"
In shadows deep, where truth lies bare,
The liar weaves a web of deceit with care.
With silver tongue and eyes that gleam,
They spin their tales, a twisted scheme.

Each word a thread, a subtle lie,
Crafted artfully, to deceive and deny.
They wear a mask, a guise so clever,
Hiding the truth, endeavor after endeavor.

But lies, like shadows, cannot stay,
Exposed by light, they fade away.
For truth is a beacon, bright and clear,
Guiding the way, dispelling fear.

So beware the liar's honeyed words,
For beneath the surface, lies a world
Of falsehoods and deception, a tangled mess,
Where truth is lost, in the liar's caress.

- Athea Veronica
© Athea Veronica