

past is gone
i am writing to my past,
i know its no longer existing,
but memories are so stiff in mind,
so clear like it was just yesterday,
especially this episode,
that opened my eyes to see,
the person i am today.

how it happened so fast,
that the very person involved,
cant remember this like i do,
it added value in my life,
thought negative as it looks,
am positive since then,
i loved me for me.

my character taught me,
that we are all diffrent,
and in many ways,
we just have to accept this,
black is just a name,
it holds thousands of colours in it,
thats why we africans conflict race.

it was a morning with lil chlls,
after breakfast doing cleanups,
i remember my hair was unkempt,
and had wiped my face not,
then came this girl,
stared me at face,
and laughed in disgust.

i knew the shit on my face,
i was engulfed with lots of shame,
when the whole crowd bursted into yells,
i wount have taken it,
rushed into the washrooms to check,
and on the mirror i saw me,
so different from them,
i was just my self
for good the past is gone.