

To say that I'm lost
In the sea of your beauty
Would not be a lie,
The gaze of your eyes
Like the rays of Mercury
Has melted my heart.

Emeralds are green
And are costly as many
Precious gems I know,
But your kind of stone
Like the pearl of destiny
Is worthier than all.

The sight of your hairs
Sitting on your tall shoulders
Are just so perfect,
To behold your frame
With thousand binoculars
Could not be clearer.

Venus on a spree
In the last summer as led,
Stumbled on your grace,
She could not believe
What a beauty she beheld
In a flesh of clay.

Many shades of stars
For billion eons have shone
On the face of earth,
Every one of them
When at you they dare to turn
Blush to shine again.

To say that I'm lost
In the sea of your beauty
Would not be a lie,
The gaze of your eyes
Like the rays of Mercury
Has melted my heart.