

In shadows cast by moon's faint gleam,
Where secrets hide in a midnight dream,
Amidst the echoes of silent fears,
Begins the tale of Crimson Tears.

Beneath the cloak of the velvet night,
In the heart of darkness, devoid of light,
There blooms a flower, deep and red,
Its petals kissed by the tears we shed.

A riddle wrapped in a blood-red rose,
Intrigue and sorrow intertwined it shows,
As whispered secrets softly creep,
Through realms of wakefulness and sleep.

Each tear that falls, a story untold,
In its glistening depths, mysteries unfold,
A mirror to the soul's despair,
Crimson Tears, a burden they bear.

In the depths of longing, they cascade,
A river of sorrow, in darkness swayed,
Yet within their depths, a beauty lies,
A fragile elegance that never dies.

With every drop, a tale they weave,
Of shattered hopes and hearts that grieve,
In the night's embrace, they softly weep,
Crimson Tears, in secrets steeped.

Like rubies in the velvet night,
They shine with an eerie, haunting light,
In their depths, the truth appears,
In the enigma of Crimson Tears.

When the moon its silver weaves,
And the world in quiet darkness leaves,
Listen closely to the night's soft sighs,
with the crimson mystery lies.
© Shaaruu'sArt

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