

I had a dream
I had a dream that someone who knows me came across my post.
They found me on this app
and began to read all my poems.

They then began to tell the world,
and everyone that I know.
I lost my job and all my friends,
the ones I love the most.

They never knew I even wrote,
they never seen me sad.
They never knew about my dad
or anything in my past.

I was always so careful
to keep people out
for fear of being judged.
But now I’m exposed,
And everyone knows
my name is drug through the mud.

After they read these poems of my life,
They realized I was never happy.
I’m coping with life, I love those I love
But no one has seen me unhappy.

They all decided to leave me
Because they felt my life was a lie.
They were all upset
I never shared with them
the truth of wanting to die.

They were annoyed
for never giving them
the opportunity to open up.
They were frustrated
for never knowing me
and knowing I didn’t feel loved

The tangible friends I have in my life
Are content with their personal lives.
I’m there to support, I’m there to help out.
But my life I feel they despise.

No body wants to know me.
They just see me as a support.
They compliment me for helping them
But never return the support.

It’s almost as if I’m only here
to help others cope with life.
But no one ever sees my darkness
Cuz they’re so focused on the light.

And the darkness I feel within my heart
Is imploding all my light….
Soon one day, the light will be gone
As my darkness takes my life.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨