

Author's Note to Readers: I dedicate this poem to my wonderfully beautiful Mom, who has done the impossible job of raising four kids all on her own.
I am sorry I am a few days late with my Memory Poem, I have been going through a lot and didn't have the energy or time, so thank you all for understanding. And a special thank you to all of you who have been an encouragement and comfort to me during this emotional time for me. :)

You have carried me throughout my life,
You guide me step by step.

You were there for every fall,
to put me back on my feet.
You were there to teach me,
everything I needed to know about life.
You were there to show me,
how to get through life's meanest curve balls.

You were there to keep me company,
whenever I felt alone.
You were there to be my confidante,
whenever something weighedme down.
You were there to give me kisses and hugs,
whenever I wanted your comfort.
You were there to be my strong tower,
whenever mine started to collapse.
You were there to be my friend,
whenever I just felt like goofing around.
You were there to be my eyes,
whenever mine clouded up.
You were there to accept me,
whenever no one else would.
You were there to love me even more,
whenever I didn't feel it enough.
You were there to be my dad,
whenever I was sad I didn't have one.

You were there for me as my everything,
and you always will be.

Mothers Memories- I love you, and every moment with you. Thank you for raising me the right way all on your own.

-- Lauren R.
© #outriderlauren

@Darkness_lover Thank you for Memory Day!