

Untold stories of His Sacrifices and Hell-hole 13th cell (Part 1)
Writer's Note:-

​This poem is related to my previous poem 'The hell-hole 13th cell'.  This poem series is based on a person who stood for humanity,for us and this society .

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar,he devoted his life towards the man kind,he didn't even cared about his own life . This poem series shows one of the highlighting part of his life... [Here 'He' refers to Shrii PR Sarkar , he built the organization Ananda Marga/ the path of bliss,hence the people following that were called Ananda Margis or Margis.]

Inhumanity was at its peak of cruelty,

 Whoever protested was buried ruthlessly,

Several Wars were taking place in the world,

Politicians were sitting recklessly,

The black clouds of oppressor were surrounded 

Then...He came, the one who educated people about truth 

The one, who tolerated the gloomy torture of these politicians, 

The one, who survived deadly poison ,

The one ,who gave miraculous teachings of PROUT 

Just to save this society from these

Demon in human form!

1955, the golden year when Ananda Marga (the path of bliss) was established, 

The path, by which word's smallest problem can even be solved, if followed 

The path, which exposed the real face behind the angelic mask of these demons

The path, by which mankind can be served the best , 

if  followed !

But what he got in return!?

      Jan 28, 1967

A peaceful Margi brother, 

Got kidnapped by CPI(M)'s violentic mobs,

Does his sincerness towards his jobs,

Caused those mobs a danger?

To be continued...........          

© yuktika_sarkar