

The anxious thoughts swarm my mind,

Dancing circles of worry intertwined.

An unknown future in a growing dread,

Creating inner demons to live and breed.

Worried I'm making all the wrong decisions,

Seeking comfort in abstract illusions.
But it never seems enough or ever lasts,
Lingering fears cloud over any hope that passes.

Time tick-tocks in this vicious circle,
Lingering doubts remain unfurled.
Echoes of unfulfilled expectations buzz in my ear,
Petrified I may lose something so dear.

My future is an eternal foggy abyss,
Uncertainty weighs heavily on every tryst.
Still I will forge ahead despite deep internal fear,
Seeking refuge in clarity without endearment too near.

Anxiety leads to reckless trepidation and doubt,
Lurking beneath is a reason to pout.
I can no longer bear the invisible strain,
Fleeing with little evidence of having been slain.

My head feels dizzy from worrying 'bout the outcome yet unseen,
With an unbearable intensity causing my energy to deplete.
Battling mental waves caused by thoughts overrunning each hour, Premonitions flood me before it even has the chance to flower.

The sense of unknowingness only continues to grow stronger each day,
Until the load it places on me takes its final toll on fray.
Anxiety catches me unawares everytime I'm least prepared for battle;
A frightened rabbit lost amidst its race against a phantom's rattle.
Every night filled with nightmare and emotion playing tug-of-war;
To survive one must develop strategies to win evermore!

Maybe then some peace will be attained at last;
When survival finally helps my troubled soul surpass...

© Quabena Reazon