

City of hold , what a desperately harbourers

City of Gold, What a Desperate Harbourers

In the city of gold, where dreams are sold
A desperate harbourers, with hearts of old
Seek refuge in riches, and treasures to hold
But find emptiness, in the wealth they've been told

Like ships without anchors, they drift and roam
Searching for meaning, in the city's cold home
Their souls are parched, like a desert without rain
Longing for purpose, but finding only pain

In the city's golden streets, they wander and stray
Chasing the wind, in a never-ending way
Their footsteps echo, through the hollow night
As they search for solace, in the city's pale light

But like a mirage, the gold they seek to find
Vanishes before them, leaving only sand and grime
For in the city's depths, lies a darkness so grand
A void that swallows all, in its endless demand

Yet still they come, to this city of gold
Driven by hope, and a heart that's grown old
For in its promise, they see a glimmer of light
A chance to escape, the darkness of night

But the city's secrets, are hidden from view
And the gold they seek, is tainted with the blue
Of tears and sorrow, of dreams that have died
And the desperate harbourers, are left to wonder why

In this city of gold, where hearts are made to bleed
The desperate harbourers, are lost in their need
For in the gold they seek, they find only despair
And the city's cold embrace, is the only comfort they share

Please note that this poem is a work of fiction and does not reflect the views or opinions of the author. The poem explores the themes of desperation, hope, and the elusive nature of wealth and happiness.