


With such a big bang,
he started with a death
But what extremely bright light his dying brings.

I came into this world chosen to uncover the meaning of things.
I thought, more often than not, that I was the only thing that mattered.
My flesh was desirous to be an iron to the wrinkle of all things forgathered.

And yet there I was another thing,
amongst other things,
an object among other objects
locked in this vast suffocating thingification.
In time, that very thing became objective to me.
Wherever, whenever it was,
There, I had no choice but to abide.
Something shocked and titillated my audience's reaction on the darker side.
I obtained these seemingly odds and ends.
Still, inflamed by all the consequences,
they were to find.
Amidst a tough crowd, all sunken eyes on me,
as I felt my way through the barrenness,
in the darkness,
there I was and there I was lost.
The audience-liberating gaze gliding over one’s obscured body
suddenly rasped off my rough edges and vowed to dim my light at all costs.

This emptiness repealed light
because brilliance exists in contradiction with an institution that imposes
its own cruel unforgiving laws.

I exploded.

I lost my temper and demanded an explanation.
I appealed
to these demigods with power, for decades,
at least, I thought,
For foolish reasons,
that they would give me back the lightness of being,
I presumed all stars and myself had lost.

The very purpose that put me in this world was the same reason that put me out,
and out, I had gotten tossed.
The one that added me to this world
is also the one that
ordered that I should be subtracted from it,
so taken away from the emptiness,
and away, I had to be taken by force.
I flash unlike lightning
back over the lines, space, and times I had crossed.
I hailed the space, as an ill-omened wind quickly hailed all from around me, then the light clipt my soul
To the expansive Illuminated Being
Which did nothing, which said nothing,
the light gathering which was, itself, powerful
and meant each and
The one enormous Illuminated Being independently represented all things
I'd ever seen,
That's on, as well as around that dark space,
and things I had never seen while I walked within,
not to mention the things unseen within me.
The Supreme Being's
inaction withheld something vastly treacherous and withheld for mercy.
However, it shouldn't be, (better yet) it could never be considered wicked.
From the Infinite
A vibration rippled toward the finite.
All that I was, meant nothing
at least that's what I was in “Its” eyes.
One's flesh got shredded into dust because If flesh had spoken through and with lips,
then all that could be said would be spoken lies.
A costume made of skin,
It was all a symbolic disguise.
A total eclipse of that Being and myself,
Me being the pupil,
and It is the Iris of the cosmic eye.
Its infinite Illuminated frankness lined up with my unlit particle titillating guise.
Still, there was divine light within me, and in all,
I truly, deeply foresought and desired,
When I came into the world,
to change one's direction,
trying circumstances and the fate of this dark planet often conspire
to do its best to extinguish my mind, finite light, and divine fire.


I exploded.
I sat down next to the fire.
Lo and behold-my livery for the first time.
It is, in fact, the most beautiful occurrence I've ever seen.
It was Mise en abyme.
I no longer need to go onward because other than the Illuminated Being, who could ever tell me what is truly the essence of beauty?
But suddenly and crudely, I almost lost my temper,
As it came to my realization that I had been riding a cloud and in the cosmos floating shrewdly,
I felt a familiar thumping in my chest, and rushes of blood throughout my veins surged up from the numerous scatterings of my being,
along with the warmth of tearful water running down my bronze-flushed cheeks.
The Supreme Being softly murmured to me,
“You were prepared to forget, to forgive, to love, to find me, and live in peace.”
The message came to me like rushing waters
and landed like a sung to my ears, which rang with an unparalleled melody.


It exploded.
These scattered things are the fragments put together by another condensed thing, the pre-existing being.
Lo and Behold, that someone, even that something, has been chosen.
All in all, as all are on the journey with the King.

With such a big bang,
he started with a death
But what extremely bright light his dying brings.