

My life, my legacy
Life is too short to enjoy.
Life is like flowing water from a leaking earthen pot,
Life is like a flying stone that is eager to come back to mother earth,
Life is like burning wood, beautiful red flames are dancing in the air, so nice but after some time it's only black and grey ashes.
An artist may capture the beauty of dancing flame in the canvas, forever but it never turns into black and grey ashes.
The beauty of life is like the fragrance of the monsoon breeze, carrying the smell of moist soil.
As it is not possible to hold the divine smell of the breeze forever,
life is also flowing like breeze, touches and goes, only keeping some memory for the next generation.
My legacy is not worth creating an impression.
I never spread my hands for the needy
My smell of life has no fragrance, no one attracted to me.
My life has gone to waste, nothing is memorable to remember.
But I decided to donate my organ to those who are lost all hopes of life.
My life is not ended, I still live in someone's eye or my heart with all memories of my past life.