

My life my joy
Blue sky, gentle breeze, a flying bird , whistling in its own tune

Dancing Blue Lake , cool breeze , calling all to she her beauty like newly married bride

Beauty of Green land
with dew drop in its leaf top like pearl in the ear of my sweet child

I am really lucky, when I wake up every morning , grateful to my God to give me another day to enjoy the beauty of my nature,

I am lucky to have another sun bath with a flavour of sweet cool breeze , touching the beauty of snow hill top

I feel proud that my life is full of joy as I can still enjoy the beauty of universe , my eyes are full of quest to see universe

life is hard to live but sweet to enjoy with flavour of happiness blended with little sadness

That's why it's so sweet

I never enjoyed true happiness without pinch of pain

Oh God bless me to live a life with fullest and reach to you gracefully with empty handed , wait for me as I am still young
