

The soldier without an arm
He came in with a mob behind him
going all crazy about his strength.
"To protect his nation", they said,
"This man will go to any length."

He was a soldier, without an arm,
just returning from a war.
To all others around him,
he was a bright shining star.

He looked confident, he was smiling,
trying to give them hope,
and yet deep down he wanted
nothing else but to elope-
to somewhere far far away,
in a world with no wars.
It was the guilt of people he killed,
and not his own scars.

His heart of stone was melting,
he was thinking about their families.
Are the lives of our people worth more
than those of our enemies?

His relatives were proud, and curious
but he didn't pick up anyone's call.
Is it okay to kill, even if it is for peace?
'cause sometimes it makes no sense at all!


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