

She Fell First.. She Fell Even Harder..
A stranger he was to her,
until one day he broke her fences.
His kindness, his friendship
caught her off guard.

His smile could summon thousands of butterflies,
His words are like gentle caress, that could heal her scars.
One look from him, she could suffocate and burn,
A single touch and gravity isn't enough to hold her down.

Every night she dreamt of him,
Every day she wrote about him.
She drowned in the depth of her own feelings,
But he was at the other side of the shore.

When she saw him sailing with other,
Her insides twisted, the butterflies were buried,
she sulked deep into the abyss of nothingness.
Her heart became a graveyard of hundreds of
untold stories and unexpressed emotions.
Her dreams became shallow and gloomy.

She fell first, She fell even harder
but he wasn't anywhere near.
Her love was hidden, deep inside her heart
Prisoned forever, forbidden to make noise.
© SwethaAlugolu