

Here We Are, Aren't We?
Based off of #WritcoPoemPrompt7

Here we are, standing by the beach during a thunder storm,
Hiding for cover, lovers so warm.
Yet here you aren't, your head so caught up in clouds,
You think of the future, the past, no thoughts on the now.
You sit with your voice not going above the storm's hum.
Your heart is beating, and breathing, your lungs.
Yet you can't be living because your eyes look so numb.
Cold and far away are those eyes, thinking of past and future mistakes.
I remember when your eyes used to be lakes
of pure and motley emotion.
Love used to be there, in that ocean,
but here we are, standing by the shore,
With you wishing that there was something more.
More than the moment, more than this time, more that you could add to this poem's lines.
Because you are you. You wish for more, every moment in your life.
Because life is really nothing special to you and you wish it was,
You wish you had it easy, you wish you had it hard, you wish and wish and wish because
your life is nothing special,
Yet it is to me,
And I wish you could see
How beautiful you are.