

The Lies of the Truth
Write a poem about truth and if the truth that has been told to us can be trusted.

From before we have our first tooth,
We're taught to speak the words of truth.
But as we grow and time goes by,
The question lingers, can we rely?

The ones who looked us in the eye,
With promises that reached the sky,
Did they always speak what's real,
Or did some truths they chose to conceal?

In a world of shadows, doubts persist,
Where secrets hide within the mist.
Can we trust the truths we're told,
Or are they tales with facets of gold?

Yet in our hearts, we hold the key,
To separate truth from fallacy.
For honesty, a beacon bright,
Will guide us through the darkest night.

So let us seek the truth within,
In actions pure and words akin.
Though trust may waver, we must strive,
To keep the flame of truth alive.

© Logan Saltsman