

What keeps me up at night
I'm up at night,
With what I call emotional fright,
Closing my eyes results in efficacious sleep paralysis or nightmares,
But keeping them open results in endless cares,
Contemplating the past,
And then emotionally lambast and bombast myself,
Then there's my future I worry about,
It's existence I even doubt,
The thoughts of education makes me want to drop-out,
The thoughts of social interaction make me want to blackout,
Then I remember I need to live in the present,
But even the present is unpleasant,
In fact the present is just another form of a depressant,
I replay that very day,
And that unfortunately is to my dismay,
That day's embarrassments,
That day's lack of achievement,
And my assessment,
Is my life is just a failed assignment,
It is overwhelming,
With all this overthinking,
Now my pillow drinks my tears as I silently weep,
I just wanted to sleep,
Just rest,
But my mind has it's own impassable test,
Now I'm up all night,
Since my mind has won the fight,
And people tell me goodnight.
© C_A_M